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Who are the Carmelites?

From an address by St. Titus Brandsma to his fellow brothers, during a retreat (Carmelites in the World, Vol. LXI - No.1, p.61)

We are as Carmelites not called to do great, conspicuous, and much talked about things in public life. That would be counter to the simplicity that we aim to practice. 


However, it is certainly our duty to do the ordinary things in the most splendid way, that is to say: with a pure intention and by putting the whole of our personality into what we do. We do not desire to be at the front and to be applauded because of accomplishments, which the people of the world tend to admire. 


We wish only to catch the eye through our simplicity and sincerity.


Cardinal Gasquet once said of the Carmelites that they stand out because of their natural and sincere behavior, they are simple and genuine, unaffected and upright in heart and soul. 


I regard this as the most beautiful thing that can be said of our spiritual disposition and our apostolate amongst the people. 


St. Titus Brandsma         

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