About The Carmelites

Our Ministries

Brothers and Priests
While all Carmelite Friars are brothers, some are called to ordained ministry. As brothers and priests, we achieve the Aposotolic mission of the Church through parish work, service to the faithful in churches, instruction of young people in schools and elsewhere, preaching of retreats, study, spiritual direction, guidance about spiritual problems, and other initiatives.

For centuries, Carmelites have been working as teachers in all levels of education from primary to higher education. Some Friars move on to the administrative level. Our Friars are certified in teaching Religion, Science, Chemistry, English and Math. Some Friars have a desire to have a secondary vocation which requires them to receive further training and certification to better serve the Church and world.

Chaplains are professionally trained and certified to provide spiritual guidance in their settings such as serving as a chaplain for different communities in schools, hospitals, fire or police departments and armed forces. They share the values of the Order of Carmel while serving the people of God in those institutions and communities. They provide pastoral care services to patients, families, caregivers, and workforce staff.

Campus Minister
Carmelite Friars help in serving High Schools and Colleges in campus ministry. The brother or priest provides spiritual guidance to both the school and the greater community.
​“Campus ministry can be defined as the public presence and service through which properly prepared baptized persons are empowered by the Spirit to use their talents and gifts on behalf of the Church in order to be a sign and instrument of kingdom in the academic worlds. The eye of faith discerns campus ministry where commitment to Christ and care for the academic world meet in purposeful activity to serve and realize the kingdom God.” —Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future #21

Spiritual Director
A Spiritual Director is a trained brother or priest that serves as a guide through confidential, ongoing conversation to assist another person discern how God is present and calling forth something new in their life. It is a relationship between the Director and the one being directed but also, it is an encounter with God that they participate in together. The purpose of the relationship is so that the one being directed may grow closer in their relationship with God. In short, it's an opportunity to let someone guide a person in developing a deeper relationship with God.